We, the citizens of the United States, need to understand the full meaning of the Constitution.
“People are the source of all government power. Government gets all its power from the constitution, which gets its power from the people. If government’s powers need to be changed or one branch of government encroaches on the authorities of another branch, republican theory says that the people—the original authority—should make the corrections. Therefore, only the people can declare the constitution’s true meaning and enforce it.” Federalist Paper #49 [paragraph 3]*
Therefore, the people need to know “the constitution’s true meaning.” I maintain that The Federalist Papers hold the answers. They were written to explain the Constitution to the people of New York State before the ratification vote.
As we understand the Constitution’s true meaning, we can be informed voters, and use persuasion to influence our representatives and senators.
The easiest way to discover what the drafters of the Constitution meant when creating each clause in the Constitution is using The United States Constitution: Annotated with The Federalist Papers In Modern English as a reference book.
*The Federalist Papers: Modern English Edition Two: Webster, 2008.
The United States Constitution: Annotated with The Federalist Papers In Modern English: Webster, 2010.